What is the center of an atom called?
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What is H20 more commonly known as?
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What polyethylene bowls made Earl Tupper a millionaire?
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What orbits the nucleus of an atom?
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Which of the following is a pH of an acid?
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What is the common name of the chemical compound H2O?
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Which element has the lightest atomic weight?
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What is the chemical symbol for Helium?
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What fibrous substance, used in insulation and other products, can cause cancer?
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What is the symbol used on the periodic table for the element Aluminum?
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What is adherence between materials such as bricks/mortar?
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Is mercury a solid, liquid or a gas?
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What symbol appears on the periodic table for Sulfur which has the atomic number 16?
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What is the addictive chemical in cigarettes?
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Which of these is a heavy gas used in specialized electric lamps?
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What element was named after the planet Uranus?
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Which of the following carries a positive charge?
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What symbol appears on the periodic table for Calcium which has the atomic number 20?
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Which of the following is not used in a chemistry lab?
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What is the chemical formula for table salt?
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