What is the most abundant element in the known universe?
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Which of the following is a compound?
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Which of the following is a compound?
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What is the symbol used on the periodic table for the element Terbium?
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What will happen to a bowl of ice cream left in the sun?
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What is another name for synthetic gas made from coal?
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The temperature at which gas becomes liquid is considered what?
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What is the second-most abundant element in the universe, though it is much less common on Earth?
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Acetone is present in which of the following products?
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What is the symbol used on the periodic table for the element Lawrencium?
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What metal is used in airplanes for its lightweight properties?
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What is the diffusion of water through a cell membrane called?
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What is protein made of?
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Actinium on the periodic table is noted by which symbol?
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What is known as the energy required to start a chemical reaction?
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Neptunium on the periodic table is noted by which symbol?
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What is thermal energy that moves from warmer objects to cooler ones called?
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What are the main two elements that undergo fusion to power the sun?
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Carbon Dioxide, often given off in a fire, is comprised of what?
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Most metals are gray in color; what is the only metal that is yellow?
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