Nitrogen on the periodic table is noted by which symbol?
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What is the chemical symbol for Gold?
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What are substances that control the rates of chemical reactions?
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What is the first element on the periodic table?
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What word is used to describe crops and foodstuffs grown without chemicals?
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Which type of matter has definite volume but no definite shape?
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What type of fuel do semi-trailer trucks generally use?
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What is the spontaneous decay of atomic nuclei known as?
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Which of the following carries a negative charge?
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What is the chemical symbol for Sodium?
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Scotch tape and plastic wrap are made from what?
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What symbol appears on the periodic table for Oxygen which has the atomic number 8?
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What would you call the treatment of disease, usually cancer, by chemical agents?
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Phosphorus and sulfur are the ingredients in what?
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Which noble gas has "A" as its first letter?
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Which atomic particle is outside the nucleus?
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What do city trucks spread on roads to melt ice?
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What contain most of the calcium ion in the human body?
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Which of the following elements has the heaviest atomic weight?
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What is the symbol used on the periodic table for the element Chlorine?
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