Mendelevium on the periodic table is noted by which symbol?
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Which Middle Eastern country was widely accused of using chemical weapons in 2013?
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What is a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened?
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What makes matter expand when it's heated and contract when it's cooled?
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What is the breakdown of a material by separation of the layers of which it is composed called?
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Inhaling what gas temporarily makes the sound of a person's voice squeaky?
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Which is the major form of sugar used by living things as fuel?
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Felix Hoffmann, not Bayer, first patented what remedy?
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What is deterioration of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment?
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What element is used in manufacturing cans, foils and kitchen utensils, pipes, and window frames?
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What device controls temperature with a switch?
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Lithium on the periodic table is noted by which symbol?
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What is the name of the protein found in wheat flour?
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What is table salt's chemical name?
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What is the term for rain that contains chemical pollutants?
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Holmium on the periodic table is noted by which symbol?
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What is best described as the separation of a material into elements or parts?
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Which of these is a state of matter?
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What does the gall bladder secrete?
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What state of matter is air?
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