What gas makes soda bubbly?
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What transition metal's symbol comes from the Latin word "hydrargyrum" meaning "liquid silver"?
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What does the pH scale usually range from?
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In evaporation, water turns into what?
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Europium on the periodic table is noted by which symbol?
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What is added to salt to prevent thyroid disease?
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What is the chemical element with symbol "N" and atomic number 14?
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What is the symbol used on the periodic table for the element Boron?
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What symbol appears on the periodic table for Beryllium which has the atomic number 4?
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Praseodymium on the periodic table is noted by which symbol?
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What property is a measurement of how hot or cold something is?
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Which of the following items is most likely to be fortified with vitamins?
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What unit of measurement is one-thousandth of a gram?
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What is the conversion of sugars in wort to alcohol and carbon dioxide?
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What name is given to water in the gaseous state?
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What type of property does the water cycle show?
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What's the chemical symbol for water?
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Which of the following would you find in any alcoholic beverage?
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What are the building blocks of matter called?
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Which of the following is a unit for measuring liquids?
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