In France, how are wines named?
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What is the term for how white wines with a low acid level taste?
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A wine's "vintage" refers to the year of what?
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What is a science dedicated to wine and wine making called?
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What term refers to the impression of the wine's size and weight?
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Cabernet sauvignon is known as the king of red grapes; which varietal is known as the queen?
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What turns wine to vinegar?
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What is another word for burnt wine?
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What is the source of the color that makes wine red?
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What Biblical figure planted a vineyard and made wine?
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What is the term for a wine expert that works in a fine restaurant?
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What gives red wine its character?
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Which region of Italy is the home of Chianti?
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What is a wine bottle that holds 1.5 litres of wine known as?
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Wine with hints of honeysuckle or violets would be described as what?
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What famous wine-producing region lies between Napa Valley and the Pacific Ocean?
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What is the name for a small storeroom for storing foods or wines?
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What kind of grapes produce the world's best wines?
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What is a blotchy skin reaction that some people get as a reaction to tannins?
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What grapes are native to Australia?
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