What is molten rock beneath the surface of the earth called?
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Which scientific term is best defined as an electrically charged atom?
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What is water stored beneath the surface of the Earth called?
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What determines how loud or soft a sound is?
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The definition of "a physical unit of storage on a computer disk or tape" best fits which science term?
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Which of these is a scientific definition for the term "matter"?
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What would you call a statement of expected future occurrences?
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What process refers to the joining of pollen with an ovule to form a seed?
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What type of reproduction uses only one parent cell?
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What is the generic term for very small loose particles of hard, broken rock or minerals?
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What nearly colorless gas is a form of ozone?
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What are the big holes and dents found on the Moon called?
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What is magma, which has surfaced through a volcanic eruption?
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Which of the following is a type of cloud?
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What does a seismologist study?
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What is the sun mostly made up of?
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What form of energy are we using when we use an alarm clock or a dishwasher?
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Which is the ability to maintain steady conditions internally?
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Marie Curie spent much time studying which of these subjects?
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A unit for measuring pressure is also known as what?
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