Dolly was the first ever living creature to be cloned. What type of animal was she?
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In what part of the human body is the heart found?
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What is the term given to heat and light radiated from the sun?
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Who was the scientist to propose the three laws of motion?
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What is the liquid component of blood known as?
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Which of these measurements of distance is the longest?
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What was the first sound-recording device called?
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Which person is known for establishing the laws of motion and gravity?
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What is the theory of the beginning of the universe called?
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What tissues connect the muscles to the bones?
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What is a geiger counter used to measure?
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What is the study of stars, planets and galaxies called?
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What is a body's resistance to changes in motion or speed called?
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What unit of mass is equal to a thousand grams?
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The oldest living tree is 4,843 years old and can be found where?
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What is a machine capable of performing tasks automatically called?
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Who is regarded as the man who invented the telephone?
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Which state of matter is an ice cube?
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How many volts are in a kilovolt (kV)?
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Optics is the study of what?
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