In which constellation was the first double star observed?
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What constant is equivalent to 96,485 coulombs per mole of electrons?
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Which scientific term is defined as the rate at which a wave oscillates in cycles?
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Short, strong surface water movement that flows seaward from the shore best fits which term?
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Who was the last person to set foot on the moon in 1972?
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What specifically is a bezoar called those results from persimmon ingestion?
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What space related item did Burt Rutan develop?
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Halley's Comet is predicted to appear again in which year?
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Which planet does the moon Deimos belong to?
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The first vaccine targeted which disease?
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Where would you find the zone of polarizing activity?
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What does one call a smaller stream that parallels a larger stream and finally enters the larger stream?
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Who discovered the supernova and was the first to theorize that stars "die"?
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When cool or cold air suddenly drops to the ground, it is known as a what?
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How many forms are in the Wing Chun system?
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Which substance will have the highest increase in temperature for the same amount of heat?
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What are the Southern Lights called?
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What is Neptune's period of revolution around the Sun?
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The Horsehead Nebula can be found in what constellation?
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What is the maximum number of electrons possible in the 6th energy level?
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