Which parts of a nerve cell send out signals?
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What type of tissue makes up the femur?
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First appearance of light in the eastern sky before sunrise best fits which term?
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What type of lens has a thin middle and makes objects appear smaller?
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The definition of "highest instantaneous wind speed observed or recorded" best fits which science term?
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Which of these properties is true for all matter?
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What graced the left shoulder of an Apollo astronaut's training suit?
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What is Jupiter mostly made of?
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Which of these measurements would be different on Mars than on Earth?
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Which insect is the closest relative to the grasshopper?
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Which planet is named for the Roman goddess of love?
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Deep trenches such as the Grand Canyon were formed by what process?
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How many planets are there in the solar system?
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What describes an extremely dry climate?
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Which of these is a famous astronomer for whom a comet was named?
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In math, "pi" is equal to?
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What type of circulatory system pumps blood into cavities instead of through vessels?
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What type of simple machine is used on a flag and flag pole?
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Who was the famous Polish female scientist who won a Nobel Prize?
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What is not an example of a cognitive distortion?
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