What does ER (of a cell) stand for?
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What is the reproductive organ of most seed-bearing plants?
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What is the largest planet in the solar system?
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What is water in its solid form called?
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What are the 4 stages of metamorphosis in insects?
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What are materials that come from the earth called?
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What is the repeated sound when sound waves bounce off other objects called?
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What spacecraft takes astronauts into space, orbits the Earth and can be flown more than once?
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What is a spacecraft that orbits planets, moons or other large space objects called?
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The process by which plants make food is called what?
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What is the process by which a plant grows from a seed?
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What makes up about 70 percent of most living things?
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The science term "precipitation" is best defined as which of these?
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What cellular organelles produce proteins?
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Which of the following is produced by meiosis?
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What is the art of growing a miniature tree or trees in a low-sided pot or tray?
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How many jointed legs does an adult insect possess?
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What body process helps keep you cool?
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What instrument is used to look far-away objects?
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How many moons does Earth have?
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