What is royal jelly?
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What is poi made from?
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Which of these is technically not a crab, and may have existed for millions of years?
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Where was iced tea first sold commercially?
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Which of these is not an Italian cheese?
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In religious ceremonies, which fruit juice is often substituted for wine?
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If you'd like to order eel at a Japanese restaurant you'd use what word?
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In Cajun cooking, what ingredients are known as the "Holy Trinity"?
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If you sit down to dinner in Paris and start with "pain" and "fromage", what are you eating?
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Which popular Chinese soup's name means "swallowing a cloud"?
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What type of cuisine offers Dim Sum?
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What is the main ingredient in a "Boxty"?
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Which of these is not considered to be a cephalopod?
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What is a common cuisine commodity from Bologna, Italy?
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What is the French term for a grilled cheese and ham sandwich?
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What do you have when you are served "gazpacho" in southern Spain?
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What is the name of a Mexican deep-fried pastry stick, rolled in sugar and served hot?
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What type of dessert is traditionally served at French weddings?
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What Southern-Italian style of cooking is also the name of a type of ice cream?
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Which sweetener sometimes used in cooking includes laevulose, dextrose and an anti-mold enzyme?
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