A dog wags his tail to show that he is what?
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Which pet doesn't lay eggs?
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What is the most common trick that a pet dog performs?
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Which dog breed is known to pull sleds?
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What type of pet is a Siamese?
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Which of these pet birds can mimic human speech?
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Which of these household pets would enjoy meal worms?
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Which is not a breed of cat?
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Normal adult dogs have how many teeth?
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Puppies are delivered how many weeks after conception?
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Which of the following is a pet snake breed?
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Which pet can jump as much as six times its height?
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Which of the following is NOT true about pet chinchillas?
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Which of the following does a pet snake eat?
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What is a common requirement for having dogs in public?
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Which of the following is NOT a vaccine given to dogs?
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Dogs belong to the same family as which of the following animals?
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What type of pet is a Boxer?
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Which pet would require a heated enclosure?
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What do pet horses need to stay healthy?
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