A "blep" is an animal doing what?
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Which breed of dog among these is the largest?
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Which is a major pet food manufacturer?
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Dwarf, Russian, Robo and Syrian are types of pet what?
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Which pet has the capability to live more than 75 years?
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What type of pet is a Neon Tetra?
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What type of pet is a Cockatiel?
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What is a baby mouse called?
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What type of pet is a Red-Eared Slider?
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Why are male betta fish kept separated?
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What would you feed a pet rabbit?
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Which of the following is not considered a "toy" dog?
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Which pet has been known as man's best friend?
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If you were to "boop" an animal's "snoot", what would you be touching?
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Dogs pant to release heat because they are unable to:
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Which of the following snakes is allowed as a pet in the United States?
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Which of the following would upset a dog's stomach?
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What is the average lifespan of a hamster?
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What type of pet is a Corgi?
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Which of the following is a common pet snake?
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