Which animal likes to take dust baths?
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Bob Barker would ask that you help control the pet population, and have your pet:
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Which of the follwing pets is not primarily nocturnal?
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How does a dog release heat from its body?
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Cats are more active at night, meaning they are:
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Where would one take a pet dog or cat to stay while the humans go on vacation?
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Which is a healthy behavior for cats?
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What type of pet is a Greyhound?
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Which of the following pets is a reptile?
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Among these, which pet is an herbivore?
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Which of these pets has the most legs?
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Which animal is best kept in a cage?
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Which of the following is true about a ferret?
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What is not a way that a cat shows affection?
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Which of these is a bad treat for a dog?
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Cats and dogs are given what common vaccine?
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Which of the following fish is NOT kept as a pet?
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What do cats require that most other pets dont?
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What type of pet is a Chihuahua?
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Which of the following dogs has short legs and is known for herding cattle?
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