What do you call champagne mixed with orange juice?
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Where did jambalaya originate?
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Which vegetable would not be out of place on a pizza or in a burrito?
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How many fluid ounces are in one cup?
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What is used to make hummus?
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What is added to root beer, to make it a root beer float?
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How many donuts are in a baker's dozen?
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What fat is used in place of butter in much Southern Italian food preparation?
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What does IPA stand for, in regards to beer?
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French toast is sliced bread dipped in what?
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Where did "jerk" seasoning originate?
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What kind of sandwich is this?
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Relish is a condiment made from what?
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Which of the following is not a form of pasta?
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Which fruit is named after a flightless bird?
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Which one of these drinks contains no alcohol?
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Which food/beverage is most effective in waking a human being?
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Which Mexican food is not usually served at breakfast?
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A greek sandwich-like meal of lamb in pita bread, with tzatziki sauce, is called what?
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Green, Black, Earl Grey, and Chamomile are all types of what drink?
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