What is the best definition of the term "rock"?
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Which is the process of placing plants in a certain way in an area?
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What is the calm center part of a hurricane called?
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What device measures the speed or force of the wind?
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What is a scientist who specializes in soil and crops called?
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The bottom layer of the atmosphere is called what?
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Which of these terms means "protecting and using a resource wisely"?
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What makes Florida's Tampa Bay a unique aquatic environment?
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What are the pilots who guide ship captains to docking areas safely called?
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How many sides of a peninsula are surrounded by water?
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What event is caused by radiation hitting the Earth's atmosphere?
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Although beaches can be comprised of any particle, the majority of them consist of what?
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What branch of science deals with fossils of living things?
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Where is the type location for the Mississippian Period?
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What is the cooler air rushing down a mountainside called?
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Which of the following is a renewable resource?
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What is a downburst covering an area smaller than 2.5 miles in diameter called?
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What zone is between the Earth and the atmosphere?
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What is another name for green beryl?
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What is compressed moss that turns blackish brown called?
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