Snow particles that have blown into a pile are said to form what?
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What is the name of the limestone formation that rises from a cave floor?
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What product of burning fossil fuels can cause death by preventing oxygen from getting to cells?
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What is the trapping of the sun's solar energy and radiation called?
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What is another name for permanently frozen ground?
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What is water treated with to prevent bacteria from growing?
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What was the Great Plains of the U.S. called in the 1930's because of erosion?
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What is sedimentary rock composed primarily of sand-sized grains?
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Which of these types of energy is cleanest and causes the least pollution?
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What is another name for fossilized resin?
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Which rock would test positive to an acid test?
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What is the boundary between two air masses called?
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The side of a sail furthest away from the wind is what?
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A 286-mph tornado ripped through what U.S. state?
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What color was the dust that swept the Great Plains?
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What is the origin of dinoflagellates?
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78% of the earth's atmosphere is composed of which gas?
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What fuel comes from the remains of 300-million-year-old decayed fern plants?
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How old do scientists think the Earth is?
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What is the Hawaiian name for smooth-flowing basaltic lava, often appearing twisted and rope-like?
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