What season has the warmest weather in the U.S.?
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Mount St. Helens erupted in what U.S. state?
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What is a front that does not advance called?
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Which of these habitats is a dry one usually with sand and can sometimes be very hot?
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What layer in the atmosphere is responsible for filtering out solar radiation?
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What is a comparison of air water vapor to amounts of vapor at a given temperature called?
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What is the driest U.S. state?
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The definition of "subjective term for warm and excessively humid weather" best fits which science term?
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What happens when hot and cold water meet?
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What type of clouds surround the eye of a hurricane?
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Which is the common name for the top layer of the zone of saturation?
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What forms when water condenses in the Earth's atmosphere?
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What percentage of the earth's water is drinkable?
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In the U.S., the spring equinox occurs in what month?
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Which of these is a spiral storm that can be many miles wide?
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What are the seasonal rains that occur in southeast Asia called?
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What deposit of sediment forms where a stream enters a standing body of water such as a lake?
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What were water mills used for in the 1700's in Europe?
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What is amber?
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What are the fastest and strongest global winds called?
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