How many moons does Earth have?
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Which is the largest planet in Earth's solar system?
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Which season does the part of Earth tilted towards the sun experience?
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Cumulus and stratus are types of what?
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Which of the world's oceans is larger than all of the Earth's land area combined?
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A clear sky contains very few what?
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Which star is the closest one to Earth?
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John Glenn first orbited the earth in what year?
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What are the bodies of water that surround the Earth's continents called?
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What are Earth's seven large land masses called?
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Which of these planets is smaller than Earth?
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Earth is located in which galaxy?
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Where is the coldest place on earth?
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What is a region of Earth in which all areas share the same time called?
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The coldest recorded temperature on Earth, -128 degrees F., was taken where?
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What is America's federal weather agency called?
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Which of these is the longest river in the world?
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What is a meteoroid called if it lands on the Earth's surface?
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How many planets are in the Earth's solar system?
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People who inhabit earth are known as...?
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