Bananas, cacao, and rice are grown in which climatic zone?
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What food group is the largest?
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Lithium is used to treat which of the following?
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Who devised a simple test to determine the health of newborns?
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What are some plant leaves connected to the stem with?
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What has been the increase in tropical sea temperatures during the past 100 years?
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Which of the following is an example of a nonvascular plant?
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What SPF should the sunscreen that you use be at the lowest?
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What is the largest crocodilian in the world?
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How many inches in length is the typical human esophagus?
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From what tree did aspirin originally derive?
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The Matamata turtle is found on which continent?
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What type of worm is an earthworm?
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Which of the following was a category of organizing plants according to Aristotle?
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What type of reproduction do yeast cells use?
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Which of these plants captures insects to get necessary nutrients?
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What are plants that grow, reproduce and die all in one season called?
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Trisomy-21 is popularly known as what?
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Some insects in the north produce what chemical to serve as a natural antifreeze in the winter?
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How many bones are in a giraffe's neck?
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