Why must ferns live in moist environments?
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What is the second stage of incomplete metamorphosis called?
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What group of animals has hollow bodies and stinging cells?
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The presence of clue cells would most likely be from what?
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Who is the father of the modern system for naming organisms that uses a genus and a species name?
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Which of these snakes is a pit viper?
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Which of the following is not one of the southern yellow pine trees?
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About how many cells does an adult human body have?
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What are the first four phases of cell division?
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Which condition is specifically found only in males?
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What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum in a cell?
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What is the largest known spider in the world?
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Where does the Krebs Cycle occur in humans?
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In which of these would botulism more likely be found?
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What insect transmits the disease sleeping sickness?
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What vitamin refers to a family of related compounds called tocopherols?
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What is the largest member of the weasel family in the United States?
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What is the sticky part of the pistil called?
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Which of these is an example of an angiosperm?
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What is an algal bloom that occurs in salt water called?
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