What are the structures found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells called?
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What is the outside covering of a plant's root called?
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What part of the flower surrounds the inside parts of the flower?
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What are the tiny blood vessels that connect arteries and veins?
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What is a large sack-like storage area called?
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What do we call things that directly affect all activities of cells?
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Which of these animals is closely related to sharks?
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What are the small bones that make up a backbone called?
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What happens to your skin's blood vessels as you exercise?
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How many chambers make up the human heart?
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Which nutrient group is used to help grow and repair cells?
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Which of these is a part of blood?
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What is a reddish-orange pigment found in fruits, vegetables, and other plants?
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Where in the body is blood produced?
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What family do dolphins, porpoises and whales belong to?
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What is another name for the immune system?
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Which of the following is not an organelle in an animal cell?
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What is scientific name for the job or role an organism plays in its habitat?
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What nerve tissue transmits light signals from your eye lens to the brain?
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What fluid-filled sac surrounds the human embryo?
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