How fast can the peregrine falcon go in a dive?
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What is the largest-blooming single flower in the world?
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What is the primary diet of sperm whales?
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What is the average natural lifespan of an African elephant?
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What flowering plants produce seeds inside fruits that form from flowers?
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What is the name of the acid formed when hemoglobin bonds with hydrogen ions?
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Which digestive organ sends the broken-down nutrients out to the body?
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Which of these is an example of a jawless fish?
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What are the lungs that tarantulas breathe with called?
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What's the term for the dependence of a plant on the proper day-length to flower?
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The India rubber man at the carnival may be suspected of having what disease?
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Which of the amino acids is actually an imino acid?
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Which of these animals goes through incomplete metamorphosis?
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What does MHC as in MHC protein refers to?
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What type of plants always contain a xylem and phloem?
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What are chitterlings?
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What caused the Irish potato famine of the 1840's?
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Approximately how much does the large head of an Elephant seal weigh?
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Which of the following is the smallest?
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Where does the zygote of a gymnosperm develop?
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