World History
What country did Queen Mary I rule or govern?
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How do we better know Charles Philip Arthur George?
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Aristotle was a student of which great philosopher?
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Which one of these inventions or discoveries came first?
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What is the time period before the Renaissance called?
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What did Hitler do during his youth?
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Who was the famous woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus, which later sparked civil rights protests?
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Who assumed the title "Empress of India" in May 1876?
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In what country was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
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What country was da Gama from?
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Which US state has the most volcanoes?
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What is nonparticipation in a dispute or war?
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What year did Soviet forces leave Afghanistan?
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Who is the Mexican Revolutionary general assassinated by a group of assassins in 1923?
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What did the French rename Batavian Republic?
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Where was the first UN summit on the environment, air pollution and global warming held, in 1992?
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By what nickname was Oliver Cromwell known?
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What year did the historical event, "Muslim leader Ayatollah Khomeini invades Iran", occur?
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Before the French Revolution, France's population was divided into what?
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What mineral was mined by slaves near Athens?
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