World History
Which of these men led the Soviet Union?
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Which British political consulting firm declared bankruptcy in May 2018 due to the Facebook-related scandal?
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Which major export of Thailand is produced by worms?
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The Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test Site is located where?
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By what name was the Albanian nun born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in 1910 later known?
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In what year did Mussolini's dictatorship in Italy collapse?
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Which of these were first developed by the Roman Empire?
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In what year was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
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The acronym "EU", when referring to a group of European nations, stands for what?
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The Irish Free State gained independence from who in 1922?
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What is a political unit governed by a deity?
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Who wrote "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon" and "Das Kapital"?
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Who were the rulers of Ancient Egyptian society?
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The Spanish holiday, National Day, celebrates whose arrival in America?
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What is the practice of cultivating the land or raising livestock?
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Elizabeth I of England was the daughter of which famous English monarch?
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Who wrote the historic "Republic"?
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Who became Labour Party Prime Minister of the U.K. with a landslide victory in 1997?
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Which board game was invented in 1931 and was originally called Criss-Cross?
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Mohandas Gandhi was a peace-loving man who led India to independence through what?
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