World History
Which Japanese City was the first place to be attacked with an Atomic Bomb?
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Which country did the Magna Carta originate in?
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For hundreds of years the currency of England shared its name with what unit of weight?
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What was the name of the leader of the Nazi Party?
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The Nobel Peace Prize was first organized and started by?
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In USSR, What does the letter “R” sand for?
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Which century did the Bubonic Plague strike in Europe?
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Which French Queen was executed during the French Revolution?
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Who was the leader of the U.S.S.R.?
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Which country was Napoleon Bonaparte a leader of?
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Which King of England had six wives?
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Who is usually the chief executive official of a town or city?
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Which World War was the attack on Pearl Harbor a part of?
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In which country did Joan of Arc lead an army?
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What noisy items do Chinese people throw at the New Year's Dragon to keep him awake?
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Which ancient king had a round table?
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Which of these is a man-made landmark located in Egypt?
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What process did the ancient Egyptians use to preserve the human body?
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Nelson Mandela became President of what country in 1994?
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Who established a Dublin Brewery and produced stout in 1759?
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