Awarded the Nobel Prize in 1977, John H. Van Vleck's area of expertise is in what?
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What scientist is credited with developing the first vaccine?
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What is the main form of energy produced by a laser?
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Launched in 1995, what was the SOHO spacecraft designed to study?
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The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is as wide as how many times as wide as Earth?
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What does MAST stand for in medical terms?
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Which plant vessel is responsible for getting food and nutrients to the roots?
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Which Pioneer spacecraft first visited the planet Saturn?
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Which one of the original 7 astronauts sported the middle name of Herschel?
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What galaxy is closest in light years to the Milky Way Galaxy?
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What organelle packages and helps in secretion of substances within the cell?
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With 11,674 steps, where is the longest flight of stairs located?
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What scientist discovered that sunspots occur in an eleven-year cycle?
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What is the stalk of a stamen called?
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What vascular plants do not have seed-bearing flowers or fruits?
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Which is not one of the four schools of family therapy?
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What university did astronomy and space science theorist Carl Sagan teach at?
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What type of object does the "no-hair" theory describe?
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Which planet was discovered in 1781 with the help of Bode's Law?
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Which state saw the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in 1942?
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