Poetry and Rhymes
Who wrote the poem "Annabel Lee"?
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Which poet wrote the poem "The Proud Poet"?
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The tale of Rapunzel is similar to the tale of Rudaba from what ancient empire?
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What was the little bubble wearing in the poem "The Rock and the Bubble"?
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How did the poet describe Santa's belly in "The Night Before Christmas"?
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Whose poem is titled "One Art"?
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In the nursery rhyme, what did "Jack Sprat" and his wife do?
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Whose poem is titled "The Quotations of Bone"?
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Who wrote the poem "Passing Time"?
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What was the poet Emerson's full name?
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What Italian Renaissance poet was called the "Father of Humanism"?
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What instrument does Hans the Hedgehog ask for in "Hans My Hedgehog"?
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Whose poem is titled "Frederick Douglass"?
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Which term in poetry is similar to a paragraph in prose?
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When Carl Sandburg says "the fog comes on little cat feet", what poetic device is it?
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Whose poem is titled "I Carry Your Heart With Me"?
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From what work did Poe take the line "Whose heart-strings are a lute", used in his poem "Israfel"?
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Who wrote the poem "Life Is Fine"?
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What black-colored animal terrorizes Norroway in a Scottish fairy tale first printed in 1870?
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Whose poem is titled "My Last Duchess"?
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