Poetry and Rhymes
Who wrote the poem "Restaurant"?
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In "The Beauty and the Beast", the Beast turns back into a human when what falls on him?
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What writer was once fired from a newspaper job because of a poem?
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In Lewis Carroll's poem "The Jabberwocky", what did the Jabberwocky do as it ran?
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One Brothers Grimm fairy tale involves two men, one faithful and one not, both named what?
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Whose poem is titled "The Chimney Sweeper (Innocence)"?
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Which boy fails to save the Ice-Maiden in a famous tale by Hans Christian Andersen?
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In a popular Italian fairy tale, Ancilotto is the king of what kingdom?
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In Robert Frost's poem "Home Burial", whose death is the wife mourning?
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What Nobel Prize winning poet served in the Irish Senate?
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Who wrote the poem "Queen Anne’s Lace"?
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In "Thumbelina", a field mouse tries to get the title character to marry what animal?
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Who wrote the poem "A Song From 'The Player Queen'"?
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Who wrote the collection of poems entitled "Horse Latitudes"?
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Who wrote the poem "The Second Coming"?
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What was the name of Robert Frost's first published book?
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Whose poem is titled "The Ballad of the Burglar of Babylon"?
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In a fairy tale by Oscar Wilde, what bird wants to date a professor's daughter?
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Whose poem is titled "The School Boy"?
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After who's poem is Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart" named?
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