Poetry and Rhymes
What color was Mary's little lamb?
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Which of the following Edgar Allen Poe stories/poems was his only real instant hit?
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What did Yankee Doodle ride to town on?
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In the rhyme "One Two Buckle My Shoe", what word comes after "nine ten a big fat..."?
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What word is next: "There is a place where the sidewalk ends; And before the street"?
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In the nursery rhyme "Baa Baa Black Sheep", what line rhymes with "Have you any wool"?
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What did Little Miss Muffet sit on that rhymes with her name?
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In 'Little Bunny FooFoo', what was the bunny hopping through?
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Whose men tried to put "Humpty Dumpty" back together?
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What did the Knave of Hearts steal in the nursery rhyme "The Queen of Hearts"?
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Mary's little lamb made the schoolchildren do what?
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Complete the phrase: Good night, sleep tight; Don't let the bedbugs...
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What ran up the clock in "Hickory Dickory Dock"?
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In 'Little Miss Muffet' which of these sat down beside her?
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What did Humpty Dumpty sit on?
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What poor woodcarver carved Pinocchio?
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Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled what?
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In the classic rhyme, people spent 'All the live long day' working on what?
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Who does an apple a day keep away?
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In "Little Bo Peep", what does Little Bo Peep lose?
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