For a hurricane to develop, the ocean waters must be above what temperature?
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Adult full grown bowhead whales grow to approximately which of the following lengths?
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Which of the following whales is nicknamed the 'Squid Hound' because of its diet and how it hunts its prey?
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Approximately how many pounds does the average sperm whale's heart weigh?
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Darwin Mounds is a reef found where?
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What do bridge workers use to prevent rust from forming on bridges near the ocean?
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What does the Chilean basket star eat?
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Which of the following body parts does the beluga whale not have?
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What was the Port of Registry for the Titanic?
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Which is a long, skinny fish with a large snout and a head shaped like a triangle?
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Coral reefs are largely in what ocean zone?
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A vessel with what name is credited with discovering the wreck of the Titanic?
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What do ship captains use to help them know when it is safe to dock at the ocean's edge?
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Approximately how many pounds of food does an adult beluga whale consume each day?
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How many collapsible lifeboats did the Titanic carry?
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Daintree Reef in Australia was named after what geologist?
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What is a natural or manmade earthen barrier along the edge of a stream, lake, or river called?
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What is the funnel-shaped opening beneath an octopus's head that secretes a black fluid when threatened?
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What is the lifespan of the harbor porpoise?
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The Chinese white dolphin can be what color?
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