What determines the sex of a sea turtle?
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Who was Chief Engineer on the Titanic?
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Blue whales have an extremely loud call, approximately how loud measured in decibels?
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How many inches thick from infancy to maturity is the blubber of a blue whale?
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Which fish helps balance the algae and coral on a reef?
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What is the uppermost ocean zone?
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Ocean Stratosphere means what as it relates to the environment?
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What scaleless, snakelike saltwater fish can reach sizes of over 170 pounds?
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At what age do whales reach reproductive maturity?
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Who really owned the Titanic?
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What's the name for the scientific study of bodies of fresh water?
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What is a cataract in a river?
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The Apo Reef is located where?
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Approximately how much does the sperm whale's brain weigh?
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How old was the Captain of the Titanic when it went down?
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What two natural predators are known to prey on beluga whales other than humans hunting them?
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Which of these is a type of natural coral reef?
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About how many million tons of salt are obtained from the ocean each year?
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Dissolved salt makes up what percentage of ocean water?
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What is the estimated top speed of a Sperm whale?
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