The world's largest hypoxic "dead zone" is located in what body of water?
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Which of these creatures would reside in the abyssal zone?
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What surface rock comprises the majority of the Earth's crust in the area beneath the oceans?
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What was the goal of Project Mohole?
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Giant kelp can grow up to which length per year?
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What is the English definition of the scientific whale feeding term "benthic"?
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What was the largest oil spill in terms of volume in the 20th century?
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More than 50% of all lakes in the world are in which country?
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Plankton largely reside in what part of the ocean?
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The scientific term 'Physeter Macrocephalus' is used to describe which of the following whales?
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What is the color of the large glands on a crayfish that have excretory functions?
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What causes deep ocean currents?
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The average beluga whale grows to be about how many feet in length as an adult?
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The average life expectancy of a sperm whale is approximately how many years?
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When did Titanic finally go under the water?
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The longest river in Europe flows into what sea?
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Which lake is the second largest in the world?
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What do Parrotfish eat?
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Which of the following is not a nickname for the beluga whale?
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What is the name of the ancient ocean that surrounded the Pangea land mass?
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