What is meant in saying that two liquids are miscible?
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High levels of what chemical may be in trailers provided for people displaced by Hurricane Katrina?
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What symbol appears on the periodic table for the element with the atomic number 88?
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What are the two alkalines to be found in the kitchen?
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What substance is industrially prepared by the Haber Process?
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What alkali metal is highly radioactive and decays into either astatine, radium, or radon?
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What circuit is put on a piece of chemically bathed plastic?
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What element forms a brilliant mirror when it is painted on glass?
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What phenomenon explains why cyclohexatriene does not exist?
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What alkaline earth metal is formed from the decay of uranium?
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Selenium came from the Greek word "selene", which means what word in English?
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Compounds of what element are used in soaps, fertilizers, explosives, and matches?
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What is the usual ounce capacity of a jigger?
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Which of these is a weakly ionized acid?
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What heat is released during a change of state?
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What gas makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars?
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What is the IUPAC name for toluene?
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What volume does 24 grams of ammonia gas occupy at standard temperature and pressure?
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What is used to remove oxygen from cathode ray tubes and vacuum tubes?
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The red color of rubies is caused mainly by the presence of what element?
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