World History
On what day do the Welsh celebrate St David's Day?
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What is the name of the political alliance formed by Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus?
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What was the name of the German army during WWII?
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In June of 1999 Thabo Mbeki became leader of which country?
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Who launched the only successful winter campaign in history against Russia?
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What year was Alaska Ceded to the U.S. by Russia?
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What did the British call the blank search warrants they issued in America?
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At which monument did 5,000 Germans meet to commemorate the 60th anniversary of VE Day?
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In what year did Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, die?
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Which hill in Vietnam was named Hamburger Hill?
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What is defined as "the ambition of a powerful nation to dominate the affairs of another nation"?
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What year was Mexican President Madero killed?
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In what year did Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, flee his country?
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On what day was Australia first settled by European people?
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How old was Queen Anne, who reigned from 1702 until 1714, when she died?
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What was Australia called before it was colonized by the British in 1788?
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Who did Montezuma believe Hernan Cortes was?
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Pharaoh Seti I was the father of a very famous Egyptian monarch, who was this person?
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The Tour de France bicycle race was first run in what year?
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Who was the leader of the "War Hawks" during the War of 1812?
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