Poetry and Rhymes
In "Paradise Lost", what angel warns Adam of Satan's bad intentions?
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What river did the crocodile from Lewis Carroll's poem live in?
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According to the nursery rhyme, who did Georgie Porgie run from?
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In most tellings of "Tom Thumb", what is the title character's steed?
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What was the name of Paul Bunyan's ox?
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Which of these is a word for the rhythmical element in poetry?
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What is the name of the fallen angel protagonist of "Paradise Lost"?
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What does rhyme scheme mean in poetry?
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Which of these is the name of a cat in a poem by T.S. Eliot?
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The way a poem looks is called its what?
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In the rhyme "Sing A Song Of Sixpence", where was the Queen?
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Where did "Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater" put his wife?
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To what little rodent did Robert Burns dedicate a poem?
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What color was the wood in Robert Frost's, "The Road Not Taken"?
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Who was the most famous 19th century female poet in America?
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What grand old Duke had ten thousand men and marched them up to the top of the hill ?
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In the poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, how many men are on the "Dead Man's Chest"?
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In a famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault, a beautiful girl wears a skin of what animal?
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Which road did the speaker take in "The Road Not Taken"?
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In "The Owl And The Pussycat", how much money did the Piggy sell the ring at the end of his nose?
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