What is the process of a river washing away its riverbanks called?
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What is the study of plant life called?
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What did ancient farmers probably use to tell the passing of seasons?
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What layer of the Earth is right below the crust?
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In the United States, summer officially begins in which month?
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What type of scientist studies microscopic plants and animals?
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What kind of rain is bad for the environment?
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What is the study of atmospheric conditions and climate called?
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If an organic material is converted into stone, it becomes what?
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What kind of gas is central in terms of the effect global warming?
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If the beach loses 3 feet of sand each year, how many feet will it lose in 15 years?
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What is the imaginary line that runs around the Earth halfway between the poles called?
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What water movement is similar to a jet stream in the air?
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What periods of the Earth's history had glaciers covering a lot of the Earth?
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What polluting material can choke an animal by getting caught around its neck?
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What kind of waves does an earthquake produce?
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Where does hail form?
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What natural disaster is caused by earthquakes but could also be caused by an asteroid?
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What is the name of the single continent that existed early in Earth's history?
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What is a seven-letter word meaning "movement of weathered material from gravity"?
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