Which species is a bird that swims very well but cannot fly?
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What seabird's stance and coloring closely resembles a penguin?
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Which of these birds are the smallest?
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Which of the following is a bird of prey?
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Which of these is a bird of prey?
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What animal is a large flightless Australian bird?
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What would you call a small, colorful, brush-tongued parrot from Australia?
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Which species is described as "magnificent birds from India"?
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Which of these is the largest bird on a farm?
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What animal is a large bird from the islands of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea?
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In which biological class do birds belong?
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Although birds usually live in trees, which kind can be found thriving in cities around the world?
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What pink bird will you often see posing, sometimes standing on just one leg?
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Which species is a large bird with a bald head?
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What bird, a fast runner, rarely flies?
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Which animal has a large tuft of feathers on its head?
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What is this common red bird?
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Unlike most birds, penguins cannot do what?
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Which of these species is a North American bird that can mimic the songs of many other birds?
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Which of the following is the best habitat for a duck?
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