In "A Christmas Story", what kind of bird does the narrator call "Chinese Turkey"?
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What is the common name of the bird Tetrao mlokosiewiczi?
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What are the primary feathers on the wing farthest from the body?
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What is the common name of the bird Bubo scandiaca?
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What is the common name of the bird Columba punicea?
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What is located between the body and the wing of the bird and also called the wingpit?
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What is the common name of the bird Lophornis helenae?
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What is the common name of the bird Hylocharis eliciae?
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What European bird was imported to America by the administration of Franklin Pierce in hopes of ridding Brooklyn, New York, of a plague of canker worms that was infesting the trees?
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What is the common name of the bird Geotrygon montana?
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Which Australian bird builds a nest shaped like a wine glass?
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