Which of these is a natural response to a change in temperature for a black bear?
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Which of these mammals lays eggs?
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What is the outer skeleton of organisms such as spiders and insects called?
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In which of these habitats would a giraffe be found?
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What adaptation allows an organism to look like another in order to survive?
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What is a main reason that many species are becoming endangered?
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Which of the following common foods originated in the tropics?
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What is a similar group of animals that can breed with each other called?
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What will happen to crops if they do not get enough water while getting too much heat?
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What is a group of food chains that are related in some way called?
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Which plant has airborne seeds?
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What is the tube that carries food into the stomach called?
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What are the claws of a bird of prey called?
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Which of the following would a doctor do to look at your bones?
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What are squirrels thought to bury to store for a winter supply of food?
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Which of these is a feature of the cardiovascular system of the human body?
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What is the name of the animal group that includes mites, ticks and scorpions?
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Which of these animals might compete for the same food source as a red-tailed hawk?
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Which of these characteristics allows an owl to see well at night?
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Which of these animals below is extinct?
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