Which artist painted "The Gleaners"?
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After a government revolt failed, Spanish painter Francisco de Goya voluntarily moved where?
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Georgia O'Keeffe's "Summer Days" features the skull of which forest animal?
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Wassily Kandinsky once said he found objects in the Impressionists' art to be what?
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The sharp angles and vivid hues Pablo Picasso painted were inspired by tribal masks from where?
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Which old firing technique is possible in your own backyard?
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Which is the name of a pattern of abstract curved shapes?
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Which artistic element did Rembrandt focus on early, then abandon to focus on color?
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What did Bill Gates buy for $30 million at a 1994 Christie's auction?
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Francisco Goya's paintings of everyday life gave him a lot of time to watch what?
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Which scientist did Julia Margaret Cameron photograph in 1868 who said he liked her photo best?
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Who is well known for having painted jockeys, ballerinas and lush nudes emerging from bath-tubs?
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Before she was a painter, Georgia O'Keeffe created art using what?
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What did Salvador Dali say was his greatest joy?
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On May 27, 1993, which world famous museum was seriously damaged by a bomb blast?
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In which city was F.W. Hasselblad & Co. first founded in 1841?
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What is the name of a three-dimensional representation of the human body?
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What is the main component of clay?
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In art, what is the definition of a "shade"?
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What comic character struggles with "the four basic guilt groups: Food, Love, Mother, and Career"?
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