What type of art emerged at the exhibition titled "The Young Contemporaries" in 1961?
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Before he was known as a painter, Leonardo da Vinci designed devices for which group?
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Unlike many other artists, many of what items of Rembrandt's still survive?
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Who is the American Painter who painted flowers and the American West?
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Which 19th century painter was Pablo Picasso's artistic idol?
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Pablo Picasso's cubist paintings focused on breaking things down and doing what?
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Which photographer was the parent of a daughter named "Doon" who was born in 1945?
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What did Pablo Picasso say was stronger than he was and made him "do its bidding"?
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Which quick, easily mass-produced art form did Joan Miro create?
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In what year did Claude Monet begin his series of works featuring water lilies?
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Which two famous Austrian painters died during the pandemic of Spanish influenza in 1918?
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Which artist painted the "Le Demoiselles D'Avignon"?
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Which term describes molded bands that encircle pottery vessels?
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Which American Impressionist dated the French Impressionist Edgar Degas?
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Who shot Andy Warhol?
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Moved by a desire to help people, Vincent van Gogh left art in 1876 to become what?
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Which type of pottery uses a combination of natural and synthetic finishes?
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Which Italian style of art used soil, cement, twigs and newspapers?
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Which is the name of a wooden club that is used to strike a wood carving chisel?
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The first autofocus camera was marketed in what decade?
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