Video Games
Basketball star Anthony Davis is featured on the cover of which sports video game?
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What platform did "Catherine: Full Body" release for?
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Which villain is the main antagonist of the action-adventure video game "Batman: Arkham Knight"?
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Call of Duty: Black Ops II was the first game in the series to feature which of the following?
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Which of these games was not featured during E3 2019?
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What is Kitana's weapon of choice in the "Mortal Kombat" series?
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What is the name of the President of Nintendo America?
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What color is the Meowscular Chef's scarf in "Monster Hunter: World"?
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Which of these video game titles was released first?
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What is the name of the fictional country "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" realeasd in 2019?
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Released in 2006, "Battlefield 2142" is what type of game?
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How many Premier League stadiums are included and officially licensed in the video game "FIFA 15"?
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Which of these actors does not star in the video game "Death Stranding"?
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What massive elder dragon is introduced in the action RPG "Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate"?
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In "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare", Private Jack Mitchell lost what limb in Seoul, South Korea?
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Which of these is not a video game system?
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Which of the following is the name of an actual video game?
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Also known as Sir Galahad, who is the main protagonist in the 2015 video game "The Order: 1886"?
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What is the name of the city in "Detective Pikachu"?
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Which one of these is a PS4 exclusive?
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