Video Games
What does a player use to break holes in the ice in "Ice Climber"?
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What game first released in the 1980s, objective is to race through the Mushroom Kingdom?
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Complete the title of the video game "The Elder Scrolls V: ____"?
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What type of game is "Halo" for the Xbox?
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Which game is played with pieces of different geometric forms, called "tetriminos" dropping down?
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What city does the 2005 video game "Batman Begins" take place in?
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What are the two colors in the game title of the Game Boy Pokemon game released in the late 1990s?
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What does the ESRB rating of "M" mean?
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What type of animal is Sonic of "Sonic and the Secret Rings"?
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Which of the following is not a system made by Nintendo?
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Who is the main character in the game "The Legend of Zelda"?
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Who developed the "Wii Sports" video game?
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Which of these characters is a fighter in the game "Mortal Kombat"?
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Which of these video games is based on the Marvel Comics character?
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In the Super Mario Bros series, what is Mario's brother's name?
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Who is the final boss in the classic game "Super Mario" for Nintendo 64?
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Which is the popular game you swipe your finger across the screen to slash all kinds of fruit?
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What game includes the Dark Lord of the Pigs?
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Which of the following games involves race cars playing soccer?
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Soldier 76 is a character belonging to which game?
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