U.S. History
What ex-slave commandeered a Confederate ship to Yankee line?
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What college did President Calvin Coolidge graduate from?
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Who was the Speaker of the House who was brought down primarily through the efforts of Newt Gingrich?
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What is the name of the U.S.'s first successful spy satellite?
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Who was the first African-American Surgeon General?
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Where was Paul Castellano killed?
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Which political party held the first national political convention?
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What office did Oliver North run for?
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What state was President Harding in when he died in 1923?
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Who was described by the New York Post as the Portly Pepperpot?
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Who wrote President Franklin Pierce's campaign biography?
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In what decade was Kwanzaa first celebrated in the U.S.?
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Who ran as a third party candidate in the 1980 U.S. Presidential Election?
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Who was the architect that designed one of Washington's most famous structures "The Lincoln Memorial"?
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What was the first plane built by the Boeing Company?
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What city and state was Annie Oakley born in?
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What state is the U.S. Military Academy at West Point located?
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Who is Bob Dole's second wife?
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Where did Hillary Clinton announce her support for Barack Obama?
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What year did the Boston Tea Party take place?
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