What color is Kentucky bluegrass?
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A replica of what building in Athens, Greece, stands in Nashville's Centennial Park?
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If you went to Martha's Vineyard Airport, what U.S. state would you be in?
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Cuba has approximately how many kilometers of coastline?
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What city in Brazil is the largest city in the Americas?
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What is the tallest mountain in Africa?
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What country is bordered by Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Ukraine?
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Where would you NOT use "buenos dias" (good morning) and "buenas noches"(good evening)?
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What country is split into 443 named islands and also holds the territory of Greenland?
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The Democratic Republic of the Congo is located in which part of the African continent?
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What country has the eighth-largest population in Europe with approximately 38.5 million residents?
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Iceland is home to active volcanoes that spew what?
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In what U.K. city would you find the Abbey Road popularized by The Beatles?
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What is the second largest city in Brazil, on the South Atlantic coast?
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Latvia lies on the eastern shores of what sea?
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The Queensboro Bridge crosses over what island between Queens and Manhattan?
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The southern part of Uganda includes a substantial portion of which major lake?
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What instrument is featured in Mexican mariachi bands?
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In which country would you find fried meatballs served with potatoes and gravy called frikadeller?
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Where is the sacred River Ganges?
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