Poetry and Rhymes
What poem is the line "When I am an old woman I shall wear purple" from?
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The tale of Rapunzel is similar to the tale of Rudaba from what ancient empire?
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Who sat in the corner, eating a Christmas pie, putting in his thumb and pulling a plum ?
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Whose poem is titled "The Chimney Sweeper (Innocence)"?
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Which nursery rhyme character had so many children she didn't know what to do?
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What comes after "Five, Six, Pick Up Sticks" in the Mother Goose rhyme?
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In Hans Christian Andersen's "The Tinderbox", what animals does the tinderbox conjure?
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What did the Knave of Hearts do to the Queen of Hearts' tarts in the nursery rhyme?
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Robert Frost's poem "A Road Not Taken" refers to which of these?
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