What is the area in the ocean that can never be touched by sunlight called?
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What ocean lies between Asia and North and South America?
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The beluga whale is what color as an adult?
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What ocean is off the west coast of the United States?
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What ocean did European explorers cross to get to the New World?
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A group of fish swimming together is called what?
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What ocean lies between Africa and North and South America?
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Which of the following is a major predator of sea otters?
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Iceland is located in what ocean?
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Which of these is not an ocean?
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Which ocean forms the entire western border of Chile?
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Which of these states is closest to the Pacific Ocean?
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When looking at an ocean, which of these is the color it mostly appears to be?
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What instrument uses sound waves to help get a picture of the ocean's bottom?
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The definition of "the periodic rising and falling of the earth's oceans and atmosphere" best fits which science term?
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All of Brazil's river systems drain into which ocean?
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What kind of cuisine includes fish sauce, coriander, lemongrass, chilis, lime juice and noodles?
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What ocean borders Japan to the east?
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Most shark species will do what when they stop moving?
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What would you call a long, snake-like fish that has circular gills?
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