How was Orpheus able to soften the heart of Hades?
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Which word means the body of stories associated with a culture?
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Who is a Greek goddess of rainbows?
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What movie is loosely based on Homer's Iliad?
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In Greek Mythology, who preceded the rising of the sun each morning?
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Who is a Greek goddess of night?
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To which goddess did Paris award the golden apple inscribed "To the Fairest"?
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What is a sacred animal of Athena?
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Who is the Hindu goddess of wisdom, music, and learning?
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Who is a goddess of insanity and the dead?
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Who is one of the Muses that represented astronomy and astrology?
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Who put Hercules under a spell of madness causing him to murder his wife and two children?
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What is a sacred animal of Aphrodite?
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What was the name of the Greek goddess of reason, who was also Zeus' favorite child?
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Who is the father of Poseidon?
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Which of the following is associated with Juno?
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To which Greek God was the oak tree sacred?
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What type of goddess is Nehalennia?
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Mortals could not look at Zeus without what happening?
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Agrius, one of the Centaurs who fought with who?
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